headline appearance:

Speak out

and please sign our petition.

This petition is now closed.
We collected 9,985 signatures from Saskatchewan residents from Feb 4 to March 4, 2022.

Moe’s negligence is unacceptable.

Restore and extend COVID protections now.

We need public health measures to protect people and our economy in the middle of a pandemic.

Are you angry or concerned that COVID protections that protect Saskatchewan people and businesses are ending in the middle of the Omicron wave, because of anti-vax interest groups?

You’re not alone, and you’re in the majority (despite what a flawed poll that interviewed fewer than 200 residents of Saskatchewan might say).

Whatever other actions we do, it is critical that we take the first step of registering our objections, as individuals, with the province. Our non-partisan, independent, grassroots, self-funded group, Take Action Against COVID, is taking other concrete actions in the short term (make sure you sign up for our mailing list to stay in the loop about these).

Making the government aware of the silent majority that is in support of COVID protection measures is crucial.

Please sign the petition and share this link with friends, family, co-workers, and others you know affected by the COVID pandemic in Saskatchewan:


Dear Premier Moe,

I am writing to you as one of hundreds of thousands of responsible and concerned Saskatchewan residents who are seeking a safe path to recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Let me be clear. We are all tired of adjusting our behaviours in order to keep ourselves and others safe. We all wish to resume our lives in a more normal manner.

However, in order to do so successfully, our paths need to be carefully guided by peer-reviewed research; by virologists and immunologists; by the hard-working and intelligent members of our medical profession and health care workers; and by the Chief Medical Health Officer.

On January 31, 2022, you proposed that the preemptive removal of our public health orders, mandatory masking and proof of vaccination, would occur outside of this advice.

Instead, you culled a convenient sliver of data that supported your political agenda.

Instead, you relied on an anecdotal account of constituents demanding we “get back to normal.”

Instead, you repeated the anti-vax disinformation talking point that our vaccines do nothing to prevent infection and transmission of the Omicron variant.

And when asked where the direction of the CMHO Dr. Shahab led in this discussion, you insulted him by chuckling and blowing him off to an appearance in the next few days.

Your response to clear refutations about your information that many Saskatchewan medical personnel have since offered you is to double down that no more can be done and that public health measures that have kept us safe have outlived their usefulness, even as our hospitalizations are skyrocketing, our healthcare workers are broken, and daily deaths continue.

Mr. Premier, we are very concerned that your government has been captured by the narrow interests of a constituency billing itself as “for medical freedom,” but is misinformed by the most conspiratorial and anti-vax conspiracy theories, which you denounced in the summer of 2021. Whatever the reason, mandatory passports and mask mandates need to stay, and further increase motivation to bring us up to a 90% vaccination rate.

Citizens and residents of Saskatchewan did not elect you to govern by your interpretation of what is safe through the lens of public opinion or by whimsical mathematics. History will remember and judge you and your party for your success or failure in handling the pandemic.

We respectfully demand that you cease abandonment of measures like public PCR testing, mandatory vaccination certificates, and mandatory masks in places of business, and return to the counsel of the province’s medical authorities on COVID-19 matters and follow their advice in both spirit and letter, and do what is right and necessary to protect Saskatchewan’s people and economy.

If you are not prepared to do your job in an intelligent, science-based, thoughtful and inclusive manner, please step aside and let someone who will.

Thank you for your time,

(your name)

Paul Merriman, Minister of Health (he.minister@gov.sk.ca)
Dustin Duncan, Minister of Education (dduncan.mla@accesscomm.ca)
Everett Hindley, Minister of Rural and Remote Health (everettmla@sasktel.net)
Gord Wyant, Minister of Justice, Attorney General (g.wyant.mla@sasktel.net)

Vicki Mowat, Opposition Health Critic (saskatoonfairview@ndpcaucus.sk.ca)